Hi soapies, first off check out my veleza account as dbg inkeds computer will not upload pictures !! not very happy with it! so as soon as it will there will be loads of pictures to follow. secondly my laptop has decided to just become a black screen so sadly I have not blogged for a while and I apologise for that and thirdly I have had personal problems including problems revolving my job and I have not been in the right head space to blog but that is going to change from now on! xx
Today is a collab with Hana so be sure to check her post out
too !! Here's 7 ( which was hard to choice as I use a couple more items )
products I use for my everyday look.
Smash box photofinish foundation primer - this product smooths my skin
and makes my foundation last for a long time. Despite me feeling it's a
great product it has a negative it states it's oil free - this really
drew me in however to me it feels greasy and meh on me . Anyone else
have that? It can cost quite a lot too however on the plane back from
Iceland I got a little bargain hehehe !
Revlon photoready perfecting primer - I have only used this item for
two weeks so I'm no expertise on this one however I feel already it's
made my skin softer feeling and as stated by my partner dbg inked I feel
like a squirrel ... take it that means soft and is a compliment ! It's a
small glass bottle and is only 27 ml but it's so worth it ! I am very
impressed with this bottle of joy.
3. Mac mineralize moisture spf 15- I got this product free from a friend ( what an awesome friend ay
I have been ready reviews and sadly people don't like this item however
I love this foundation . It's made my skin brighter and as I'm as pale
as a vampire this is the first foundation that actually looks right for
me ! It is however expensive and therefore I'm not sure if I could
justify getting that product again well not for a while . It has great
coverage and covers my moles something that I was always picked on as a
child and always has made me want too cover up . It gives a lovely glow
and blends perfectly . I can put it on and where it all day . Ps there's
no strong fragrance !
4. I
make up hearts in share golden goddess - I can't find any reviews on
here so here's my little review it's got a gorgeous glow and is easy to
apply . Suits all skin tones and is my favourite highlighter !
Soap and glory love at first blush - just wow ! Simply describes it ...
this little kit is 75g of pure magic . The box is round and easy to
travel with and it has a range of stunning bright colours . Also with a
little mirror it's perfect for applying in a rush. Ps use the real
techniques buffing brush for a great looking blush.
Soap and glorys sexy motherpucker in Pom Pom - this is my lipstick of
the month ! It suits me and my skin tone ( remember I have pale vampire
skin or something from izombie )and is creamy , easy to apply and most
importantly lasts all day. The packaging is sleek and the finish is
simply amazing . You need to try this lipstick !
And finally ...
Naked 2 urban decay palette - I had heard of this for ages so last year
in Debenhams in Bristol with a very bored George I bought this palette.
Well actually he did for me ! The colours are great and the packaging
is stylish and trendy. Despite the price tag of £25 I really do think
you should try it. It's worth every penny and for me I use it most days
so definitely worth the money .
that's it soapies ... comment if you love this post or want too know
more and tell me your thoughts plus if there's anything you suggest I
buy and review . Thanks for reading and remember to check out Hana and
her post ! Speak soon , love you all lots