Monday, 1 August 2016

Iceland adventures

Iceland has recently been stated a lot - Kim k has been and since the World Cup. Me and DBGinked from double barrel gaming went there in February and this is some little help and advice bits for you lovely lot .
Animals - do not expect tons of animals coming from rocks etc . When we were there we saw some wild ponies and a random dog walking by itself 😂 You may see more . It's more about taking in the scenery then animals .

As I mentioned the scenery is amazing and if you can go and see the golden circle it's the most amazing time ever . Remember wear suitable shoes ... My £30 walking boots from mountain warehouse were better than Georges £130 boots from go outdoors despite a man recommending it . Trust me I didn't nearly fall over at all compared to other people ... Yes it can be a bit icy in places .

This brings me to clothing . Don't spend tons like I did 😁 All you need is a thick coat ( mine was £30 one from mountain warehouse ) a jumper and I would say 3 long sleeve tops . Also some gloves and a hat that are thick and some ski trousers . That is all you need it's not that cold there it's like an English windy day ... Just constantly  !

Children - children can go there and would love it . It's a great place for them to explore ... Just don't be naughty or Father Christmas won't come on the 24 days of Christmas they have there !

Dream place to be ? - lots of People say this and I think it is but as I heard from all the people who speak excellent English and are from Iceland they wish they could go away a lot as it's always snowy there . The people themselves are so friendly which means you have to be very nice to them and honestly say thank you for everything they appreciate it a lot.

There's so much to do there and so much to see for pics find me on YouTube at soapso and look at my pictures .

If you go there good luck and enjoy it :) ,
Love soapso

Hamsters - are they right for you?

Hamsters - sure enough pretty much all my friends have had or got a hamster . So I assumed they were easy to keep and great first pets. They are but I am gonna help you decide whether to get some or not.

Are they easy to keep ?-
When I got mine I was shocked .. Did you know there is loads of species ? For instance Syrian hamsters can not live together or they will kill each other ?!? After talking to two seperate pet shop people I decided to have the robo species . They are small and by far the most adorable type - I know I am biased. These hamsters are very lively though and I would not recommend you have them if you have kids because they jump ! They jump like their sky diving and honestly sometimes it terrifies me . Also they do like to be awake from 6pm till 8 am or till sometimes till 2pm ( they like their raves on their wheel ) . This may bother some people but if you keep them somewhere you can't hear them they are not that load . Mine stay in the dinning room area . 

Where can I buy ?-
All good pet shops should have hamsters and if your unsure on what to have for them ask them . That's what they are there for. However I'd recommend from past problems don't buy a dosile animal ... You are basically buying a dead animal. Make sure you have a cage - mine was £30 . I wouldn't get a complete metal one as their feet can get stuck ( you do not want a sad little hamster) so get a plastic lidded one . Also a wheel is necessary . Some bedding .. Bedding types is upto you but be careful because even though the bedding says OFFER £2.00 on it it does not mean it's good for their health as some make them poorly . Bottles for water and a bowl for food and a hide is all needed plus add some comfy features for them like tissue pads ( don't know the name ) to help them burrow and a simple boredom breaker a toilet roll piece of cardboard .

Are they expensive ?-
No .okay the outlay for a proper nice cage and area for them may cost you £50 but it's cheaper than a dog . They will live less unfortunately but they make good pets and are perfect to look after . Plus unlike dogs you can put them in an exercise ball and they can exercise themselves . I feel it depends on what you want for them but for me they are perfect little companions . 

If you have any please comment . Hope you like this post lots of love ,
Soapso Xoxox and knuckles and hedgy the robo hamsters xx

Monday 1 August - excitement !

Hey all you lovely soapies ... So I have blogger thanks to my lovely friend who reccommended it . So I wanted to say thank you to everyone who follows my Twitter @soapsoo and my YouTube channel - soapso . It's sooooooooo lovely to have all these compliments and nice things said .

Over the last few months ALOT has happened ... Understatement everything you could not and would not believe has happened whether it's from my fish dying due to eating its own kids ( I know it's not normal ... Well I've never heard of it ) to me quiting my job due to bullying but between you and me I told everyone it was to have a break from working to much ... Don't worry I do still work just not at my other job .

Also along the way I have moved house which means I'll blog about house moves and how much things cost too .... I mean even stupid things like where I got my kettle ( bargain from sainsburys - £6!!!!) anyway I am here if you have any questions or wanna help me along my journey .

Lots of love ,
X o X - pretty sure one kiss is bigger than the other lol