Wednesday 10 August 2016

Job Interview Advice

Thought I would do a quick blog and DBGinked said he would love a little blog on job interviews.

Heres my 5 steps to doing well....

1) Approach- When going to an interview you need to look and seem approachable. So prepare what your going to wear in advance, look smart, remember spray yourself as we all sweat in streesful or nervous situations. Wear comfortable shoes as you may need to walk around the premises.

2) Plan- When asked questions slow down and think of suitable answers. If unsure pause and think of a way round the question and answer what you feel is correct. Practice at home before the interview.

3)Rest- Either with excitement or fear its going to be hard to sleep so remember to rest in otherways. try and have a bath, cup of tea and eat a big meal. try and take naps at least as being tired is not a good approach.

4) knowledge- Know what you applied for, go online and research the company. impress the interviewer with knowledge like " I can improve on your 25 million pound business by..." it sounds like you want the job and researched it. Its more impressive than saying "umm... I could help by... hmm". Which links also back to plan, By stating something that relates to the business it gives you more time to think.

5) learn- the main thing is to learn what went well and what went a little bad and learn for next time. Everyone has different ways of approaching scenarios. For now , Good luck !
love soap xxx