Are they easy to keep ?-
When I got mine I was shocked .. Did you know there is loads of species ? For instance Syrian hamsters can not live together or they will kill each other ?!? After talking to two seperate pet shop people I decided to have the robo species . They are small and by far the most adorable type - I know I am biased. These hamsters are very lively though and I would not recommend you have them if you have kids because they jump ! They jump like their sky diving and honestly sometimes it terrifies me . Also they do like to be awake from 6pm till 8 am or till sometimes till 2pm ( they like their raves on their wheel ) . This may bother some people but if you keep them somewhere you can't hear them they are not that load . Mine stay in the dinning room area .
Where can I buy ?-
All good pet shops should have hamsters and if your unsure on what to have for them ask them . That's what they are there for. However I'd recommend from past problems don't buy a dosile animal ... You are basically buying a dead animal. Make sure you have a cage - mine was £30 . I wouldn't get a complete metal one as their feet can get stuck ( you do not want a sad little hamster) so get a plastic lidded one . Also a wheel is necessary . Some bedding .. Bedding types is upto you but be careful because even though the bedding says OFFER £2.00 on it it does not mean it's good for their health as some make them poorly . Bottles for water and a bowl for food and a hide is all needed plus add some comfy features for them like tissue pads ( don't know the name ) to help them burrow and a simple boredom breaker a toilet roll piece of cardboard .
Are they expensive ?-
No .okay the outlay for a proper nice cage and area for them may cost you £50 but it's cheaper than a dog . They will live less unfortunately but they make good pets and are perfect to look after . Plus unlike dogs you can put them in an exercise ball and they can exercise themselves . I feel it depends on what you want for them but for me they are perfect little companions .
If you have any please comment . Hope you like this post lots of love ,
Soapso Xoxox and knuckles and hedgy the robo hamsters xx
I love this post, me and my boyfriend are getting a hamster soon and can't wait :D