Tuesday, 23 August 2016

tuesday talks-- blog advice!

thought this may help a few of you lot at home who are worried or not sure whether you are doing it all right in terms of blogging.. well for a fact there is no way of doing it wrong. Heres 5 tips on blogging.

1. passion- In order to get views and feel happy with your blogs you must have a passion for each one and spend some TIME on each one. Talk about the stuff you love and hate and make it sound like you do not a really boring paragraph which makes us all just think I wasted 2 minutes of my life.

2.Time- Spend time on each one. PLAN what your gonna write about and think is it write to blog about that. Ask for friends advice if your not sure. I give myself 15 minutes per blog to type it up and 5 minutes to take pictures of things.

3. Plan- plan in adavnce and do a scheduled blog it  means you can do something on a day without forgetting or panicking of what to blog- we all get a writers block sometimes.

4. Audience- Get to know your audience by offering them advice and they will often help you back.

and finally 5. Social media- Use twitter to suggest to people that you have a blog and they could take a look it will help you build more of an AUDIENCE and help you learn whats good posts and bad posts.

soooo I hope this helps,
speak tomorrow
love soap xxxx

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